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Why Zlin?

The Zlín region is in an excellent location and a large number of small and medium-sized ICT enterprises have been established here since 1990. Zlín has always been and will continue to be a place where ideas take real form and even the boldest dreams become reality. Thanks to the university, named after Tomáš Bat’a, new experts in fields such as IT, marketing, the creative industry, and economic sciences are growing here. With its potential, the Zlín region offers space for building a modern, flexible, interactive technical and entrepreneurial base for the ICT industry.

In its innovation strategy, the Zlín region defines three key horizontal areas and four domains of specialisation. The Information, Control and Security Systems specialisation domain reflects the challenges and trends in the field of digitalisation and ICT – this area is key for further economic development of traditional sectors in the region and is also important cross-sectionally to implement the other specialisation domains and the horizontal priority areas of the RIS3 strategy of the Zlín region.

This fact played a significant role in the creation of the idea to build a kind of blockchain “brain centre” in the Zlín region. In the words of Tomáš Janči, chairperson of the Committee for the Development of Business Activities of the Zlín Region, this means educating young enthusiasts in this technology and creating conditions for their further development and growth. “I see a lot of young people around me who have ideas, energy, and want to do business. I believe they have the ability and the strength to start companies with multinational ambitions. Capable developers working in the field of blockchain are even able to earn 200 to 300 thousand crowns a month. If people make that kind of money here, of course it will be an economic benefit for the whole region and it will move us forward overall.”

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